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Agaricus blazei Extract

Agaricus blazei Extract
  • Agaricus blazei Extract


15%, 20%, 40%, 45% Polysaccharides


Agaricus blazei Murrill


Whole Mushroom






Stimulate Immune System and Anti-Cancer










Brief Introduction

Synonyms---Agaricus subrufescens,Agaricus braziliensis, Agaricus sylvaticus, Mini-pine mushroom, Brazil mushroom,Almond mushroom, Himematsutake(Japanese: 姫松茸)

Chemical Name: Beta-Glucan, Beta-D-Glucan, Beta-(1,3)-D-Glucan
Molecular Formula: C18H30O14X2

Mol. Wt.: 470.42

Molecular Structure::

Agaricus blazeiis a choice edible, with a somewhat sweet taste and fragrance of almonds. This mushroom is also well known as a medicinal mushroom, for its purported medicinal properties, due to research which indicates it may stimulate the immune system.

Due to the fact Agaricus blazei contains a high level of beta glucans(Polysaccharides), compounds known for stimulating the immune system, Agaricus blazei is used in oncological therapy in Japan and Brazil. In addition to beta-glucans, Agaricus blazei's effect on the immune system is believed to be due to other polysaccharides such as alpha-glucans. In Japan, Agaricus blazei is sold under the brand names Sen-Sei-Ro Gold, and ABMK, and use is estimated to 500,000 people. In Japan, Agaricus blazei is also the most popular complementary and alternative medicine used by cancer patients. Although Agaricus blazei is cultivated in the United States, the largest exporters are China and Brazil. It has been noted in a scientific review of A. blazei research, that the range of quality in A. blazei cultivation can affect the mushroom's ability to impact cells of the immune system.

Beta-glucan is found in a wide variety of mushroom, such as Maitake, Reshi, Shitak, and other foods. The Agaricus blazei Extract (Beta-glucan) used in dietary supplements is derived from the whole mushroom.


Agaricus blazeicontains a high concentration of beta-glucan a compound which has been shown to stimulate immune system cells like NK cells, macrophage, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In addition, cellular and animal model experiments have shown that Agaricus blazei may stimulate immune system cytokines

• Up-regulate the immune system

• Anti-cancer

• Beneficial effect on Lowering Blood glucose

• Beneficial effect on Lowering LDL Cholesterol

• Beneficial effect on Cellular health

• Beneficial effect on inhibiting pathogenic factors

• Beneficial effect on inhibiting angiogenesis (via inhibition of VEGE)

• Containing Antioxidants



Beta-glucan and the immune system

Beta-glucans are known as "biological response modifiers" because of their ability to activate the immune system. Immunologists at the University of Louisville, discovered that a receptor on the surface of innate immune cells called Complement Receptor 3 (CR3 or CD11b/CD18) is responsible for binding to beta-glucans, allowing the immune cells to recognize them as "non-self." However, it should be noted that the activity of beta-glucans is different from some pharmaceutical drugs which have the ability to over-stimulate the immune system. Pharmaceutical drugs have the potential to push the immune system to over-stimulation, and hence are contraindicated in individuals with autoimmune diseases, allergies, or yeast infections. Beta-glucans seem to make the immune system work better without becoming overactive. In addition to enhancing the activity of the immune system, beta-glucans also reportedly lower elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, aid in wound healing, help prevent infections, and have potential as an adjuvant in the treatment of cancer.


Agricus Blazei Extract is safe. No side and harmful effect have been found.


•  The typical dose is 500-1500mg per day (usually in 2-3 doses throughout the day).
•  Consult physicians for different condition specifics.

GNI’s Agricus blazei Extract Features and Benefits:

 Agricus Blazei Extract is one of GNI's most competitive products, with many advantages as list in the following, produced as our patent-pending process and know-how technology from Agricus blazei Mushroom.

•  Produced with pure water only

•  High purity: over 45%

•  NO solvent - residual free

•  Pesticide-free

•  Crystal yellow-Brown in appearance

•  High solubility in water

•  High anti-bacteria, and longer shelf life
